Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | February 18, 2012

Even When We Fall, We Can Have Eternal Life

The death of Whitney Houston shocked the world this week. In a time when we know too much about our celebrities, it was still a surprise. For me it was a reminder of my youth and fond memories for The Bodyguard.

Whitney had a lot of troubles and demons, but she also had a faith that is undeniable. In all of the interviews replayed and memories shared during the last week that is the one thing you hear over and over again, her love for God. She was open and honest about her troubles, but in her interview with Oprah she admitted that through it all “I still read my Bible and talk to God.”

We’re only human and it’s so easy to fall into the traps of this world. Isn’t it wonderful to know we have a Lord and Savior that loves us and will pick us up when we fall? The last song Whitney publicly sang was “Jesus Loves Me.”

Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves You

Romans 3:23 says “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”, but there is hope. Jesus said it best in John 3:16 “For God so loves the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall have eternal life.”

Do you have that promise of eternal life? God is there to pick you up when you fall. He is waiting for you. If you don’t know him, now is time to say “God, I know I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart.” You’ve taken the largest step, now find a Bible believing church to get involved with and tell the pastor of your recent decision to accept Christ.

Jesus is waiting to take your hand

When we hear of others struggling, let’s remember to take a moment and lift them up in prayer. Who can you pray for today?


  1. Lee – this is a beautiful reminder of how the Father sees within the places no one can see. . . . thank you for this encouragement to all of us.

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