Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | April 3, 2014

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Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | March 14, 2013

I’ve often had people ask me how I could stay in an abusive situation. It wasn’t easy, but there were so many factors. My Christian Communicator’s Conference sister, Barbara Evers, shares her story of abuse. In many ways this is similar to my story. I hope that it gives my dear readers some insight into what all abuse victims experience.

The Workbench of Faith

I didn’t understand why he thought yelling was appropriate at the time.  I nestled our crying baby against my shoulder and headed for the rocking chair in the nursery.  He continued to yell, and then, he shoved me.

Shock.  That’s all I felt at that point.  Then he shoved me again.  And again.  And again.

It made no sense to me.  The baby needed comforting.  Anyone with half a brain knew yelling and shoving me wouldn’t help the situation.  I would have shut the door on him, but he followed too closely to manage that.

After what felt like an impossible distance, compounded by stumbling every time he shoved, I made it to the rocker, sat down, and tried to comfort our daughter while my heart and mind raced over his actions.

But comforting my child wasn’t going to be easy.  Now that I was seated, he began kicking my…

View original post 815 more words

Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | January 16, 2013

Glenda Mills

Have you ever wondered how children see their grandparents? Well I askedthat question one day to Micah and Esther. Here’s the list that rolled off Micah’s tongue. Esther’s smile reinforced every word he said. And I just had to write it down. Have a good laugh at our expense.


1. Grandmas and grandpas are usually wrinkly and wear glasses and have white or grey hair.

2. If grandmas and grandpas sometimes don’tsee very well, they eat carrots to make their eyesight better.

3. Grandparents have to take naps during the daytime and usually fall asleep while we watch movies.

4. Grandparents are usually fond of food and eat lots of healthy food.

5. Grandparents like dessert, so do grand-children.

6. Sometimes we have to talk loudly so grandparents can hear us.

7. Grandpas make wonderful chocolate chip muffins. Grandmas make

pizza and jello. Sometimes we help.

8. Grandmas usually insist we go outside and play for a while.

9.Grandparents are sometimes slow.

10. Grandpa reads me a…

View original post 96 more words

Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | January 6, 2013

Glimpses of God by Gloria Ashby

exerciseSeveral fellow bloggers quickly declared their 2013 word as the ball dropped on this new year. For a decade mine was Surrender. What can I say, but I’m a slow learner.

For the last two years His word for me was Wait. That was hard, too, as patience has never been my virtue. I prayed for my 2013 word, hoping I was done with Wait.

I climbed into bed and opened my Message Bible for a close-of-day devotional. I finished Acts last week and moved into Romans, quickly skipping through the first two chapters without pause. But I couldn’t move beyond Romans 3. The undertow of  Romans 3:27-28 pulled me back as I repeatedly tried to push into the next chapter.

We finally figured it out. Our lives get in step with God and all others by letting Him set the pace, not by proudly or anxiously trying…

View original post 323 more words

Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | July 2, 2012

Dear Readers, I’ve missed sharing my heart with you. I’m still experiencing some technical difficulties. This is a great post by my friend, Glenda Mills. I encourage you to check out her website. Given the upcoming holiday, I thought I would share her words with you. I know I was able to relate about being a religious rebel. Can you?

Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | June 16, 2012

This blog really touched me. I’m waiting for God right now on some things. I hope these truths speak to you as much as they did to me. I’ve been experiencing technical difficulties with my blog, but hope to be back soon. Blessings dear readers, Leagh

Sarah Loudin Thomas

That’s what I saw on the license plate of the car in front of me. I was at an extremely low point in my life. A self-inflicted, turning-from-God point in my life. I didn’t know how to get where I needed to go. But God did. He told me, “Wait.”

I hate waiting. Waiting in line to check out at the store. Waiting in traffic. Waiting for the doctor to call back. Waiting for the medication to start working. Waiting for an agent to offer representation. Waiting for a publisher to offer a contract. Waiting for my books to hit the shelves. Waiting to find out if my writing has had any impact on anyone at all. Waiting to find out what it is God has in store for me . . .

When I saw that license plate, it spoke to my heart and told me to hang on…

View original post 153 more words

Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | June 7, 2012

Beware of Deception

I learned the hard way that deceptive people look just like the rest of us.  In my situation this person wore a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde face.  Around myself and two other people, this person was their true self.  For a long time I was blinded, but I soon realized I was dealing with a devilish person.  However, in front of anyone else this person could be the nicest/sweetest person you’ve ever met.  The person even bragged in private about what a good act they could put on.

We are all familiar of the story of Eve and the snake in the Garden of Eden.  The serpent appeared to Eve and convinced her that she would be better off eating of the tree God had forbidden her and Adam to partake from.  With that one act all of mankind became sinful.

At the beginning of that passage the scripture tells us “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which Jehovah God had made.”  Genesis 3:1 (ASV).  Satan knew how to clothe himself in another’s skin.  He subtly convinced Eve of her sin, leading her to believe the idea of eating the fruit was all hers.

When Jesus walked the earth the devil tempted Him at every turn, trying to convince our Lord to give up His mission.  Jesus prayed to his father and had the strength to resist his tempter.   

Even today the devil is doing the same thing.  He’s clothing himself in another’s skin and challenging us every day to fall into the trap he’s laid.

In our humanness we find life very difficult to resist the temptation laid before us.  God knew this.   In The Lord’s Prayer, He even gave us a passage to cover the challenges the devil would set before us.  And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.” Luke 11:4 (KJV)

To resist the devil, temptation or the deceptive people in our lives we need to stay in God’s word and in constant communication with Him.  God tried to warn me that I was dealing with evil people, but I refused to listen.  I had to learn the hard way.  I don’t know if God warns everyone, but if He does warn you, then I urge you to run as far and fast from this person as you possibly can and to ask for God’s help to get out of that situation and relationship.

Is there a deceptive person in your life?  Is there a temptation you’re struggling with?  Are you leaning on God?

Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | May 6, 2012

When God Answers Our Prayers

“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (KJV)

Are there things in your life you yearn for? Maybe a family? A job? Time to yourself?

We all yearn for things in this life. Some of it is a natural and healthy inclination, but not always.

For all of our decisions, no matter how large or small, we need to approach the throne of God in prayer. He wants us to seek his advice. David says in Psalm 6:9 “The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.” (KJV)

In our humanness it is difficult to wait for God to answer in His timing. In this world of instant access we want it now. I’m learning that sometimes God has us wait to teach us patience.

Lift Your Needs to the Heavens

God always hears our prayers and He always answers our prayers. Sometimes the answer is not the one we want to hear. We may not understand the reason at the time but years later we may discover that we are so thankful we are glad He said no. That decision or request could have changed our lives forever and led to considerable regret.

Matthew 21:22 says “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” KJV) He wants to give us our desires. After all, if we’re in His will His desires have become our desires. The answer may not come right away, but after years of lifting our request up to Him.

Then there are times when He allows us our hearts desires to teach us a lesson. He did this with me several years ago and I soon learned the hard way that what we think we want is not what we really want after all. Still He used that time to break me and bring me back to His feet.

So while we’re waiting and seeking His will, He’s working behind the scenes. During this time He’s changing our hearts and mindsets and helping us to grow in His will.

Are you lifting your request up to Him? What are those requests? What is His answer? What are you doing while you wait?

Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | May 1, 2012

Exuding Hospitality

Over the weekend I spent time with my cousin. At first sight we seem like an odd pair. After all she’s the same age as my grandmother. However, we’ve been good friends for over a decade.

Are you hospitable?

My cousin Hazel has the gift of hospitality. She instantly makes you feel comfortable in her presence. When you enter her home you know to make yourself right at home. When I get thirsty I know I’m welcome to open the cabinet, take a glass out, and fill it with ice and water. She wants everyone that enters her home to feel welcome and loved. She always has some type of food and desert to serve her visitors, even the unexpected ones. She’s a natural extrovert and never meets a stranger. In all the years we’ve been friends I’ve never heard her say a bad word about anyone.

We all have our own gifts and talents. While I try to make people feel welcome, I know that I fail miserably compared to my dear cousin. Hospitality is a natural gift with which she’s been blessed.

Spending time with my cousin is a reminder that we should all strive to be more hospitable to one another. How often do we mouth off and say a bad word about someone? When people come to visit you do you make them feel welcome or in the way?

Embrace and show hospitality to others
1 Peter 4:9-10 says “Use hospitality one to another without grudging. As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” (KJV)

How do you make others feel? How can you be more hospitable to others?

Posted by: Diana Leagh Matthews | April 26, 2012

Looking Beyond What We See

Guest Posts by Glenda Mills

Beautiful Misty Garden

Beautiful Misty Garden
Picture by Glenda Mills

I woke up to fog this morning. Though the mountains are just beyond the trees, it is impossible to see them. I think about times past when circumstances clouded my vision…making it impossible to see or comprehend what was just beyond my foggy experience.

Sometimes our spiritual vision becomes unclear. We believe God is there, yet our feelings tempt us to doubt His presence or His purpose in our present trial.

Saul knew a little about clouded vision. As a matter of fact the day He met Jesus, a bright light and a voice from heaven knocked him off his horse. Quite a shock for a leading Pharisee who thought he was doing God’s bidding. Humbled and healed three days later, Saul was renamed Paul, and commissioned by the LORD to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.

Gorgeous Sunrise

Gorgeous Sunrise
By Glenda Mills

Years later this great apostle of God wrote these words of encouragement to believers of the early church. They still speak to us today.

Our present troubles are quite small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see right now; rather we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.” (2 Corinthians 4: 17,18 NLT).

When trials come our way, be encouraged by this promise. We may not understand why we go through trials on this earth, but we do know they are temporary. They shall pass. One day all will be made clear. May God give us spiritual clarity of mind and heart as we choose God’s eternal perspective.

Glenda Mills

Glenda Mills

Glenda Mills has a continuing passion to help others find their identity, worth, and purpose through a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Sharing from personal trials and victories, she teaches how to break through barriers that hinder personal faith and growth. She encourages women of all ages to forget and forgive past hurts; and embrace the new beginnings Jesus offers through life’s changing seasons. Glenda lives with her husband Dave, near Morgantown WV. She is the mother of two children and has seven grandchildren. She is an accredited teacher with Precept Ministries, and graduate of Christian Communicators Conference.

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